HEALTHY U  |  Exercising at work

Learn about the importance of staying active throughout your day.

7:33 minutes, in English with closed captioning in English and other languages available.

Other links:

Stairs: your instant gym
Presentation (includes Certificate of Completion)

HEALTHY U  |  It's time to quit

Learn about how smoking affects your body and how quitting smoking today can start you on the road to better health.

4:39 minutes, in English with closed captioning in English and other languages available.

Other links:

You Were Not Born a Smoker
Presentation (includes Certificate of Completion)

HEALTHY U  |  Preventing Diabetes with Lifestyle Choices

Learn how to prevent Type II Diabetes by making healthy lifestyle choices. Learn who is at risk symptoms of Prediabetes and steps you can take to help prevent developing Diabetes.

3.45 minutes, in English with closed captioning in English and other languages available

Other links:

Now's the Right Time
Presentation (includes Certificate of Completion)

HEALTHY U  |  Other presentations

Check out these other presentations and resources:

 Family Fitness Activities

Tired of Being Tired?

Less Sodium in the Lunch Bag

Tis the Season to Be Good to Yourself

What is Wellness for You?

CHILL! Exploring Stress Management Techniques

Understanding Nutrition Facts Labels

Healthy Eating on the Run