Welcome to UMR!
Register your member account
To register your account, follow the steps below:
- Click the arrow and select what type of user you are from the drop-down menu
- Create your account or sign in to your existing account
- This process will take about 10 minutes
What you will need to have handy:
- Your health plan ID card
- Your email and phone number
Get a personalized view of your benefits
Find care and costs
Be prepared for your next care event.
Search for an in-network provider, procedures, costs of care and more.
View benefits and claims
Get updates on your claims and benefits information.
Keep track of your most recent claims and their status and get important updates about your benefits.
Access digital health plan ID card
Never leave home without your health plan ID card.
Have on the go access to your proof of coverage – online or through the UMR app.
Download the UMR App
The UMR app, a smarter, simpler, faster way for members to stay connected to their health care benefits information, on demand, anytime, anywhere.
Watch video to learn more
To download the app, scan the QR code or visit your app store today!